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Chrome is king


The wind and rain brought in the chrome 🙌

We've been kept off the water for over a week with the crazy winds and rain storms hitting the area for almost three weeks. We got a one day reprieve and then wind coming again tomorrow 🤦‍♂️

My mate Alex and I have a charter tonight, so we wanted to fun fish / scout where to go 🤔 go east young man! My case it's old man 🫤 fished straight east of the harbor about seven miles offshore.

We fished six lines,all high and ran fast. Leaping fish and a full cooler was our reward for last weeks wind. We fished for only three hours and caught four steelhead,two pink salmon, a big Atlantic and lake trout 😍 we also lost two others jumping in the air and spitting the hook 🤷‍♂️ we truly have an amazing fishery here on Lake Huron ❤️

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